Monday, December 15, 2008

6 Random Things

I have been putting this off because I am extremely busy and don't really have anything interesting to say about myself. But, since Mandy tagged me I figured I better post something...

1. I love Christmas!!! I love sitting in church on Christmas Eve, giving gifts, the sights, the sounds, and especially the excitement of children!

2. I believe the 80's is the best decade of music and will continue to be so for the rest of time.

3. I love to make white rice and then mix in some Italian dressing and...EAT IT!

4. I would rather eat a fruit salad than a piece of chocolate

5. I sleep in socks even though I end up taking them off during the night.

6. I watch shows that I am way too old to be watching for example...The Hills and One Tree Hill.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Those ARE random! I think the 90's was the best music decade, though the 80's aren't far off. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!