Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless...What Have You Found in Your Washer?

On a side note...yes, I do realize our washer is disgusting! It needs a good scrubbing, but who ever thinks to scrub the washer? I'm too busy doing laundry to scrub the washer!!! We actually got this washer from Pam and John Garvie several years ago and it has been going strong! I am one of those people that will probably never have a matching washer/dryer because I can't part with something that still works so well! Also, I am now wondering how a washer gets so yucky in the first place? Must be all the lent. On another side does the fridge get so disgusting? I have always wondered this as I am cleaning it out...which I do on rare ocassions! Anyway....hope you enjoy the picture! I promise I will be posting about Lyla turning one, I just want to make sure I have the time to make it a worthy post!!!


Leslie said...

Love the picture, too cute. Who has time to reguarly clean a washer? I don't want to know those people. LOL

The Loves of Lacy said...

Never found anything that cute in my washer, but I have found a pretty cute little boy in my dryer a time or two!!! She's too precious!!

Samantha said...

She's a cutie!! And I'm with you...can't part with something as long as it still works!

And I guess I'm ashamed to say that one of my favorite things to do is clean my washer and dryer off with some fantastic...I don't do it often, but it makes me feel soooo good! (I'm WEIRD!!)
But so not judging yours...wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't said anything!!!